Your Equestrian Photographer in Tennessee,  Georgia &  Alabama


Kole's Senior Photo Session - Horse & Rider - Western Style

I had such an amazing time with Kole and his amazing family for his Senior Photoshoot in Surgoinsville, TN. I met Kole a while back at the cutting shows, and let me tell you, he’s one of the most hardworking and polite young men out there, I can not brag enough about him, it is amazing to watch them in the Herd. When they asked me to do his senior photos at their farm in Surgoinsville, TN, I was super excited!

We were all set to capture Kole’s winnings from the cutting horse shows and his amazing mare, Julez, and his loyal dog.

Western Senior Photo Session Horse & Cowboy

Surrounded by the beauty of Surgoinsville, TN, we started our adventure. There were moments of triumph, moments of tenderness, and moments of pure joy, all captured in the photos we took.

Of course, no photoshoot is complete without a few laughs and maybe a little mischief. Kole’s family was there every step of the way, adding to the fun and making sure everything went smoothly.

In the end, the photos turned out amazing, and I couldn’t be happier with how everything turned out. Kole, you’re a star, and it was an absolute pleasure to capture these moments for you.



If you’re ever in need of capturing your own love story or special moments, don’t hesitate to reach out. I’d be honored to help you create memories that will last a lifetime.