storytelling Family Photoshoot
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Mommy & Me Storytelling Photography : Cleveland, TN

Mommy & Me Storytelling Photography : Cleveland, TN Kendall & Josie Mommy & me in Cleveland, TN Ahhhh …. these two here made my heart jump. Just look at them. This Mommy & Me Photoshoot was just a dream. Kendall & Josie share so much love for each other and this location was perfect for…

Kylie’s Senior Session – Cleveland Tennessee

Kylie’s Senior Session – Cleveland Tennessee

Kylie’s Senior Session – Cleveland Tennessee Unleashing the Fun: Kylie’s Grad Senior Session Horse Photography in Chattanooga, TN I was thrilled when Kylie’s mom contacted me to capture her daughter’s senior photos. Kylie had her heart set on horses and her dog joining in on the fun. We decided that my farm in Cleveland, Tennessee…